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Tame topology and non-integrability of dynamical systems

Tom 128 / 2024

Zbigniew Hajto, Rouzbeh Mohseni Banach Center Publications 128 (2024), 95-106 MSC: Primary 37J30; Secondary 12H05, 70H07, 34C28 DOI: 10.4064/bc128-6


In this paper, we study the general concept of integrability of dynamical systems in the broad sense within the framework of differential Galois theory. In particular, we investigate gradient systems that are not integrable and we recognize that, in contrast to the general view, non-integrability does not necessarily lead to chaotic behavior of the trajectories. We confirm this by investigating dynamical systems in the real case and provide an example of a non-integrable gradient system that has trajectories with finiteness properties of o-minimal type when considered as a real dynamical system.


  • Zbigniew HajtoFaculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Jagiellonian University
    30-348 Kraków, Poland
  • Rouzbeh MohseniInstitute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences
    00-656 Warszawa, Poland
    Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Jagiellonian University
    30-348 Kraków, Poland

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