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Intersection number of a map with the set of matrices of positive corank

Tom 128 / 2024

Iwona Krzyżanowska, Aleksandra Nowel Banach Center Publications 128 (2024), 107-126 MSC: Primary 14P25; Secondary 57R45, 14Q30 DOI: 10.4064/bc128-7


The definition of the intersection number of a map with a closed manifold can be extended to the case of a closed stratified set such that the difference between the dimensions of its two biggest strata is greater than $1$. The set $\Sigma $ of matrices of positive corank is an example of such a set. It turns out that the intersection number of a map from an $(n-k+1)$-dimensional manifold with boundary into the set of $n\times k$ real matrices with $\Sigma $ coincides with a homotopy invariant associated with a map going to the Stiefel manifold $\widetilde{V}_k(\mathbb {R}^n)$. In the polynomial case, we present an efficient method to compute this intersection number. We also show how to use it to count the mod $2$ number and the algebraic sum of the cross-cap singularities of a map from an $m$-dimensional manifold with boundary to $\mathbb {R}^{2m-1}$.


  • Iwona KrzyżanowskaInstitute of Mathematics Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
    University of Gdańsk
    80-308 Gdańsk, Poland
  • Aleksandra NowelInstitute of Mathematics Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
    University of Gdańsk
    80-308 Gdańsk, Poland

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