Józef Marcinkiewicz: analysis and probability
Tom 95 / 2011
Banach Center Publications 95 (2011), 27-44
MSC: Primary 01A70, 46B70, 46E30, 60E07, 60F15, 60G46; Secondary: 01A60.
DOI: 10.4064/bc95-0-2
We briefly review Marcinkiewicz's work, on analysis, on probability, and on the interplay between the two. Our emphasis is on the continuing vitality of Marcinkiewicz's work, as evidenced by its influence on the standard works. What is striking is how many of the themes that Marcinkiewicz studied (alone, or with Zygmund) are very much alive today. What this demonstrates is that Marcinkiewicz and Zygmund, as well as having extraordinary mathematical ability, also had excellent mathematical taste.