Zawartość zeszytu 3
Tom 113 / 2004
The structure of the tame kernels of quadratic number fields (I) Acta Arithmetica 113 (2004) , 203-240 MSC: 11R11, 11R70, 19F15. DOI: 10.4064/aa113-3-1
Fermat's equation for matrices or quaternions over -adic fields Acta Arithmetica 113 (2004) , 241-250 MSC: 11D41, 11S80. DOI: 10.4064/aa113-3-2
Infinite 2-class field towers of some imaginary quadratic number fields Acta Arithmetica 113 (2004) , 251-257 MSC: Primary 11R37; Secondary 11R11, 11R29. DOI: 10.4064/aa113-3-3
Lattice points in a circle: An improved mean-square asymptotics Acta Arithmetica 113 (2004) , 259-272 MSC: 11P21, 11N37, 11N25, 11N36. DOI: 10.4064/aa113-3-4
Problème de Lehmer pour les hypersurfaces de variétés abéliennes de type C.M. Acta Arithmetica 113 (2004) , 273-290 MSC: 11G50, 14G40, 14K12, 14K22. DOI: 10.4064/aa113-3-5
On the torsion of elliptic curves over cubic number fields Acta Arithmetica 113 (2004) , 291-301 MSC: Primary 11G05; Secondary 11G18. DOI: 10.4064/aa113-3-6