Zawartość tomu 120
Minoration effective de la hauteur des points d'une courbe de $\mathbb {G}_m^2$ définie sur $\mathbb {Q}$ Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), 1-26 MSC: 11G50, 14G40. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-1-1
Periods of $\beta $-expansions and linear recurrent sequences Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), 27-37 MSC: 11A63, 37B10. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-1-2
Solving a family of Thue equations with an application to the equation $x^2-Dy^4=1$ Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), 39-58 MSC: 11D41, 11B39. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-1-3
A note on the zeros of the derivative of the Riemann zeta function near the critical line Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), 59-68 MSC: Primary 11M06. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-1-4
On commuting properties of endomorphisms of formal $A$-modules over finite fields Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), 69-77 MSC: Primary 11S31, 16W60; Secondary 14L05, 37C25. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-1-5
Number of rational places of subfields of the function field of the Deligne–Lusztig curve of Ree type Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), 79-106 MSC: 11R58, 11G20, 14G15. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-1-6
Some asymptotics for cranks Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), 107-143 MSC: Primary 11P55; Secondary 11P82, 11P83. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-2-1
Imaginary quadratic fields whose Iwasawa $\lambda $-invariant is equal to 1 Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), 145-152 MSC: 11R11, 11R23. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-2-2
Note on the fractional parts of $\lambda \theta ^{n}$ Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), 153-157 MSC: Primary 11R06. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-2-3
Zero spacing distributions for differenced $L$-functions Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), 159-184 MSC: Primary 11M26; Secondary 11M41, 47B32. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-2-4
On torsion in $J_1(N)$ Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), 185-190 MSC: 11G18, 14G35. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-2-5
Random Liouville functions and normal sets Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), 191-196 MSC: 11N64, 05D10. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-2-6
Linear independence of certain Lambert and allied series Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), 197-209 MSC: 11J72, 11J82. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-2-7
Roughly squarefree values of the Euler and Carmichael functions Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), 211-230 MSC: Primary 11N37. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-3-1
Decomposition of primes in non-maximal orders Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), 231-244 MSC: Primary 11R04. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-3-2
Variation of the number of lattice points in large balls Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), 245-267 MSC: 11H06, 11E25, 11P21. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-3-3
Benford's law, values of $L$-functions and the $3x+1$ problem Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), 269-297 MSC: Primary 11K06, 60A10, 11B83, 11M06; Secondary 60F05, 11J86, 60J65, 46F12. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-3-4
The greatest prime divisor of a product of consecutive integers Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), 299-306 MSC: Primary 11A41, 11N05, 11N13. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-3-5
Tetragonal modular curves Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), 307-312 MSC: 11G18, 11G30. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-3-6
A characterization of some $q$-multiplicative functions Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), 313-336 MSC: 11A25, 11N64, 11N56. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-4-1
Cohomology groups of the class groups over a $\Bbb Z_p$ extension Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), 337-348 MSC: 11R18, 11R34, 11R37, 11S25, 11S31. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-4-2
Localised Bombieri–Vinogradov theorems in imaginary quadratic fields Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), 349-377 MSC: Primary 11R47. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-4-3
Unimodular brackets and related structures Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), 379-394 MSC: Primary 11B57; Secondary 16D20. DOI: 10.4064/aa120-4-4
New identities for the Rogers–Ramanujan functions Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), 395-413 MSC: 11P82, 11F27, 33D15 DOI: 10.4064/aa120-4-5