Zawartość tomu 122
Multi-continued fraction algorithm on multi-formal Laurent series Acta Arithmetica 122 (2006), 1-16 MSC: 11A55, 11B37, 11J70, 11T71. DOI: 10.4064/aa122-1-1
Behrend-type constructions for sets of linear equations Acta Arithmetica 122 (2006), 17-33 MSC: Primary 11P99. DOI: 10.4064/aa122-1-2
The real $3x+1$ problem Acta Arithmetica 122 (2006), 35-44 MSC: 11B37, 26A18, 37E05. DOI: 10.4064/aa122-1-3
On integers of the form $p+2^k$ Acta Arithmetica 122 (2006), 45-50 MSC: Primary 11P32; Secondary 11Y35, 11Y60. DOI: 10.4064/aa122-1-4
On the mean value of $L(m,\chi )L(n,\overline {\chi })$ at positive integers $m,n\geq 1$ Acta Arithmetica 122 (2006), 51-56 MSC: 11M06, 11F20, 11B68. DOI: 10.4064/aa122-1-5
On a conjecture of Yiming Long Acta Arithmetica 122 (2006), 57-61 MSC: 11P32, 11L20. DOI: 10.4064/aa122-1-6
On the trace map between absolutely abelian number fields of equal conductor Acta Arithmetica 122 (2006), 63-74 MSC: Primary 11R04; Secondary 11R33. DOI: 10.4064/aa122-1-7
An average formula for the class number Acta Arithmetica 122 (2006), 75-90 MSC: 11E41, 11L07, 11P21. DOI: 10.4064/aa122-1-8
Polynomial extension of Fleck's congruence Acta Arithmetica 122 (2006), 91-100 MSC: Primary 11B65; Secondary 05A10, 11A07, 11B68, 11S05. DOI: 10.4064/aa122-1-9
On the number of representations of $n$ by $ax^2+bxy+cy^2$ Acta Arithmetica 122 (2006), 101-171 MSC: Primary 11E16; Secondary 11R29, 11E25. DOI: 10.4064/aa122-2-1
Limit theorems for the Mellin transform of the square of the Riemann zeta-function. I Acta Arithmetica 122 (2006), 173-184 MSC: 11M06, 11K99. DOI: 10.4064/aa122-2-2
The number of $S_4$-fields with given discriminant Acta Arithmetica 122 (2006), 185-194 MSC: Primary 11R29; Secondary 11R16, 11R32. DOI: 10.4064/aa122-2-3
A characterization of rational elements by Lüroth-type series expansions in the $p$-adic number field and in the field of Laurent series over a finite field Acta Arithmetica 122 (2006), 195-205 MSC: 11A67, 11J61, 11J72. DOI: 10.4064/aa122-2-4
Coincidences in the values of the Euler and Carmichael functions Acta Arithmetica 122 (2006), 207-234 MSC: Primary 11N37; Secondary 11N25, 11N64. DOI: 10.4064/aa122-3-1
Sur le sous-groupe des éléments de hauteur infinie du $K_2$ d'un corps de nombres Acta Arithmetica 122 (2006), 235-244 MSC: 11R70, 11R37, 11R29. DOI: 10.4064/aa122-3-2
Quotient curves of the Suzuki curve Acta Arithmetica 122 (2006), 245-274 MSC: Primary 11G20; Secondary 14G05, 20C33. DOI: 10.4064/aa122-3-3
On the equivariant main conjecture of Iwasawa theory Acta Arithmetica 122 (2006), 275-296 MSC: Primary 11R23; Secondary 11R18, 19F27, 11R42. DOI: 10.4064/aa122-3-4
A relative trace formula proof of the Petersson trace formula Acta Arithmetica 122 (2006), 297-313 MSC: Primary 11F70; Secondary 11F72, 11F30, 11L05. DOI: 10.4064/aa122-3-5
Initial powers of Sturmian sequences Acta Arithmetica 122 (2006), 315-347 MSC: Primary 37B10; Secondary 37A25, 11J70, 68R15. DOI: 10.4064/aa122-4-1
Ramanujan identities and Euler products for a type of Dirichlet series Acta Arithmetica 122 (2006), 349-393 MSC: 11E16, 11F66, 11E25, 11B65. DOI: 10.4064/aa122-4-2
On certain combinatorial Diophantine equations and their connection to Pythagorean numbers Acta Arithmetica 122 (2006), 395-406 MSC: 11D09, 11D41, 11G45, 11D59. DOI: 10.4064/aa122-4-3
On the number of solutions of simultaneous Pell equations II Acta Arithmetica 122 (2006), 407-417 MSC: Primary 11D09, 11D25; Secondary 11B39, 11J13, 11J86. DOI: 10.4064/aa122-4-4