Zawartość zeszytu 1
Tom 147 / 2011
Formules de trace et non-annulation de fonctions $L$ automorphes au niveau $\mathfrak{p}^{\nu}$ Acta Arithmetica 147 (2011) , 1-32 MSC: 11F12, 11F33, 11F66, 11N25. DOI: 10.4064/aa147-1-1
Jacobi sums and cyclotomic numbers of order $l^2$ Acta Arithmetica 147 (2011) , 33-49 MSC: Primary 11T22; Secondary 11T24. DOI: 10.4064/aa147-1-2
2-adic and 3-adic part of class numbers and properties of central values of $L$-functions Acta Arithmetica 147 (2011) , 51-72 MSC: Primary 11F30, 11F33, 11F67; Secondary 11F11, 11F37, 11R37. DOI: 10.4064/aa147-1-3
Addendum to the papers “On polynomials taking small values at integral arguments I, II” (Acta Arith. 42 (1983), 189–196; ibid. 106 (2003), 115–121) Acta Arithmetica 147 (2011) , 73–79 MSC: 11C08, 12E05. DOI: 10.4064/aa147-1-4
On the number of representations of $n$ by $ax^2+by(y-1)/2$, $ax^2+by(3y-1)/2$ and $ax(x-1)/2+by(3y-1)/2$ Acta Arithmetica 147 (2011) , 81-100 MSC: Primary 11E25; Secondary 11E16. DOI: 10.4064/aa147-1-5