Zawartość zeszytu 1
Tom 181 / 2017
A large family of pseudorandom sequences of $k$ symbols with length $pq$ Acta Arithmetica 181 (2017) , 1-26 MSC: Primary 11K45; Secondary 11B50, 94A55, 94A60. DOI: 10.4064/aa8452-5-2017
An explicit generating function arising in counting binomial coefficients divisible by powers of primes Acta Arithmetica 181 (2017) , 27-55 MSC: Primary 11B65, 05A15; Secondary 11A63, 11B50, 05A16. DOI: 10.4064/aa8524-6-2017
Galois groups of iterates of some unicritical polynomials Acta Arithmetica 181 (2017) , 57-73 MSC: Primary 11R32, 37P15; Secondary 14G05. DOI: 10.4064/aa8599-8-2017
On generators of the Chow group of 0-cycles on diagonal cubic surfaces over 3-adic fields Acta Arithmetica 181 (2017) , 75-84 MSC: Primary 14C15, 14J26; Secondary 11G25. DOI: 10.4064/aa8646-5-2017
Fields of definition of elliptic curves with prescribed torsion Acta Arithmetica 181 (2017) , 85-95 MSC: Primary 11G05; Secondary 11G18. DOI: 10.4064/aa170323-20-9