Refined ramification breaks in characteristic $p$
Tom 192 / 2020
Acta Arithmetica 192 (2020), 371-395
MSC: Primary 11S15; Secondary 11S23, 20C11.
DOI: 10.4064/aa181230-13-6
Opublikowany online: 29 November 2019
Let $K$ be a local field of characteristic $p$ and let $L/K$ be a totally ramified elementary abelian $p$-extension with a single ramification break $b$. Byott and Elder defined the refined ramification breaks of $L/K$, an extension of the usual ramification data. In this paper we give an alternative definition for the refined ramification breaks, and we use Artin–Schreier theory to compute both versions of the breaks in some special cases.