Zawartość zeszytu 1
Tom 197 / 2021
Weierstrass semigroups at every point of the Suzuki curve Acta Arithmetica 197 (2021) , 1-20 MSC: Primary 11G20; Secondary 11R58, 14H05, 14H55. DOI: 10.4064/aa181203-24-2
On the Petersson inner products of Fourier–Jacobi coefficients and Hecke eigenvalues of Siegel cusp forms Acta Arithmetica 197 (2021) , 21-35 MSC: 11F46, 11F50. DOI: 10.4064/aa190326-10-2
Zeros of certain weakly holomorphic modular forms for the Fricke group ${\varGamma }_0^+(3)$ Acta Arithmetica 197 (2021) , 37-54 MSC: Primary 11F03; Secondary 11F11. DOI: 10.4064/aa190509-7-2
À propos d’une version faible du problème inverse de Galois Acta Arithmetica 197 (2021) , 55-76 MSC: Primary 12F10, 12F12, 20B25; Secondary 12E25, 12E30. DOI: 10.4064/aa190726-18-5
Metacommutation of primes in Eichler orders Acta Arithmetica 197 (2021) , 77-92 MSC: Primary 11S45; Secondary 11R52. DOI: 10.4064/aa191031-23-5
Metric results on summatory arithmetic functions on Beatty sets Acta Arithmetica 197 (2021) , 93-104 MSC: Primary 11B83; 11J83, 11K65. DOI: 10.4064/aa200128-10-6
On the simultaneous 3-divisibility of class numbers of triples of imaginary quadratic fields Acta Arithmetica 197 (2021) , 105-110 MSC: Primary 11R11; Secondary 11R29. DOI: 10.4064/aa200221-16-6