Zawartość zeszytu 4
Tom 208 / 2023
On gaps between sums of four fourth powers Acta Arithmetica 208 (2023) , 295-324 MSC: Primary 11P05; Secondary 11P55, 11B05. DOI: 10.4064/aa191012-2-12
On the Pythagoras number of the simplest cubic fields Acta Arithmetica 208 (2023) , 325-354 MSC: Primary 11R16; Secondary 11E25, 11R80. DOI: 10.4064/aa221003-27-6
On a simple quartic family of Thue equations over imaginary quadratic number fields Acta Arithmetica 208 (2023) , 355-389 MSC: Primary 11D59; Secondary 11R11, 11Y50. DOI: 10.4064/aa230329-19-6