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On the solutions of $x^p+y^p=2^rz^p$, $x^p+y^p=z^2$ over totally real fields

Tom 212 / 2024

Narasimha Kumar, Satyabrat Sahoo Acta Arithmetica 212 (2024), 31-47 MSC: Primary 11D41; Secondary 11F80, 11R04, 11R80 DOI: 10.4064/aa221125-23-8 Opublikowany online: 11 December 2023


We study the non-trivial primitive solutions of a specific type for the Diophantine equations $x^p+y^p=2^rz^p$ and $x^p+y^p=z^2$ with prime exponent $p$ and $r \in \mathbb N$, over a certain class of totally real fields $K$. Then for $r=2,3$, we study the non-trivial primitive solutions over $\mathcal O_K$ for the equation $x^p+y^p=2^rz^p$ with $p$ prime. Finally, we give several purely local criteria for $K$ such that the equation $x^p+y^p=2^rz^p$ has no non-trivial primitive solutions over $\mathcal O_K$.


  • Narasimha KumarDepartment of Mathematics
    Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
    Kandi, Sangareddy 502285, India
  • Satyabrat SahooDepartment of Mathematics
    Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
    Kandi, Sangareddy 502285, India

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