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Remarks on sums of reciprocals of fractional parts

Tom 212 / 2024

Bence Borda Acta Arithmetica 212 (2024), 373-389 MSC: Primary 11J54; Secondary 11J71, 11J83 DOI: 10.4064/aa230512-1-1 Opublikowany online: 27 February 2024


The Diophantine sums $\sum _{n=1}^N \| n \alpha \|^{-1}$ and $\sum _{n=1}^N n^{-1} \| n \alpha \|^{-1}$ appear in many different areas including the ergodic theory of circle rotations, lattice point counting and random walks, often in connection with Fourier analytic methods. Beresnevich, Haynes and Velani gave estimates for these and related sums in terms of the Diophantine approximation properties of $\alpha $ that are sharp up to a constant factor. In the present paper, we remove the constant factor gap between the upper and the lower estimates, and thus find the precise asymptotics for a wide class of irrationals. Our methods apply to sums with the fractional part instead of the distance from the nearest integer function, and to sums involving shifts $\| n \alpha + \beta \|$ as well. We also comment on a higher-dimensional generalization of these sums.


  • Bence BordaGraz University of Technology
    8010 Graz, Austria

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