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Criteria for the integrality of $n$th roots of power series

Tom 215 / 2024

John Pomerat, Armin Straub Acta Arithmetica 215 (2024), 1-10 MSC: Primary 11B75; Secondary 13F25 DOI: 10.4064/aa230425-4-4 Opublikowany online: 19 June 2024


Heninger, Rains and Sloane raised the question of which power series with integer coefficients can be written as the $n$th power of another power series with integer coefficients and constant term $1$. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions, as well as compare them with a general integrality criterion due to Dieudonné and Dwork that can be applied to this question as well.


  • John PomeratDepartment of Mathematics and Statistics
    University of South Alabama
    Mobile, AL 36688, USA
  • Armin StraubDepartment of Mathematics and Statistics
    University of South Alabama
    Mobile, AL 36688, USA

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