Zawartość zeszytu 2
Tom 96 / 2000
Some results in additive number theory I: The critical pair theory Acta Arithmetica 96 (2000) , 97-119 MSC: 11B75, 11D04, 20K99 DOI: 10.4064/aa96-2-1
A mean value density theorem of additive number theory Acta Arithmetica 96 (2000) , 121-138 MSC: Primary 11B05. DOI: 10.4064/aa96-2-2
Rabinowitsch revisited Acta Arithmetica 96 (2000) , 139-153 MSC: Primary 11N32, 11E41; Secondary 11N36, 11R44, 11D85, 11R29. DOI: 10.4064/aa96-2-3
The 4-rank of the tame kernel versus the 4-rank of the narrow class group in quadratic number fields Acta Arithmetica 96 (2000) , 155-165 MSC: 11R65, 11R70, 19C99, 19D50. DOI: 10.4064/aa96-2-4
On the Iwasawa $\lambda $-invariants of real quadratic fields Acta Arithmetica 96 (2000) , 167-174 MSC: Primary 11R23, 11R29; Secondary 11R11. DOI: 10.4064/aa96-2-5
Comparaison des ordres maximaux dans les groupes ${\rm GL}(n,{\Bbb Z})$ et $S_n$ Acta Arithmetica 96 (2000) , 175-203 MSC: Primary 11N56; Secondary 11N37. DOI: 10.4064/aa96-2-6