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Conditional lower bounds on the distribution of central values in families of $L$-functions

Tom 214 / 2024

Maksym Radziwiłł, Kannan Soundararajan Acta Arithmetica 214 (2024), 481-497 MSC: Primary 11M41; Secondary 11G05 DOI: 10.4064/aa230805-3-1 Opublikowany online: 7 March 2024


We establish a general principle that any lower bound on the non-vanishing of central $L$-values obtained through studying the one-level density of low-lying zeros can be refined to show that most such $L$-values have the typical size conjectured by Keating and Snaith. We illustrate this technique in the case of quadratic twists of a given elliptic curve, and similar results should hold for the many examples studied by Iwaniec, Luo, and Sarnak in their pioneering work (2000) on $1$-level densities.


  • Maksym RadziwiłłDepartment of Mathematics
    Northwestern University
    Evanston, IL 60208, USA
  • Kannan SoundararajanDepartment of Mathematics
    Stanford University
    Stanford, CA 94305-2125, USA

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