Nash regulous functions
Tom 119 / 2017
Annales Polonici Mathematici 119 (2017), 275-289
MSC: 14P20, 14P10, 14P99.
DOI: 10.4064/ap170601-21-8
Opublikowany online: 21 September 2017
A real-valued function on $\mathbb {R}^n$ is $k$-regulous, where $k$ is a nonnegative integer, if it is of class $\mathcal {C}^k$ and can be represented as a quotient of two polynomial functions on $\mathbb {R}^n$. Several interesting results involving such functions have been obtained recently. Some of them (Nullstellensatz, Cartan’s theorems A and B, etc.) can be carried over to a new setting of Nash $k$-regulous functions, introduced in this paper. Here a function on a Nash manifold $X$ is called Nash $k$-regulous if it is of class $\mathcal {C}^k$ and can be represented as a quotient of two Nash functions on $X$.