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Personal reflections on Józef Siciak’s mathematical journey

Tom 123 / 2019

Maciej Klimek Annales Polonici Mathematici 123 (2019), 1-7 MSC: Primary 01A70. DOI: 10.4064/ap4610-7-2018 Opublikowany online: 25 October 2019


The recent passing of Professor Józef Siciak inevitably brings about reflections on his legacy, not just in terms of mathematical results he had obtained or inspired, but also in terms of shaping the way mathematics is being developed internally and as a part of science in general. Based on several decades of close personal contacts, the author attempts to outline Professor Siciak’s views concerning these matters.


  • Maciej KlimekDepartment of Mathematics
    Uppsala University
    P.O. Box 480
    751-06 Uppsala, Sweden

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