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Existence of solutions for Schrödinger–Kirchhoff systems involving the fractional $p$-Laplacian in $\mathbb R^N$

Tom 126 / 2021

Wei Chen, Nguyen Van Thin Annales Polonici Mathematici 126 (2021), 129-163 MSC: Primary 35D30, 35A15, 35R11, 47G20. DOI: 10.4064/ap200918-13-4 Opublikowany online: 4 June 2021


The aim of this paper is to study the existence of weak solutions for Schrödinger–Kirchhoff systems involving the fractional $p$-Laplacian \[ \begin {cases} M([(u,v)]_{K,s,p}^p)\mathcal L_p^{s}u(x)+ V(x)|u|^{p-2}u=\lambda H_u(x, u, v)+g_1(x),\\ M([(u,v)]_{K,s,p}^p)\mathcal L_p^{s}v(x)+ V(x)|v|^{p-2}v=\lambda H_v(x, u, v)+g_2(x), \end {cases} \] in $\mathbb R^N$, where $\lambda $ is a real positive parameter, $M:[0, \infty )\to (0, \infty )$ and $V:\mathbb R^{N}\to (0,\infty )$ are continuous functions, $g_1$ and $g_2$ are perturbation terms, $\mathcal L_p^{s}$ is a nonlocal fractional operator with singular kernel $K:\mathbb R^N\setminus \{0\}\to \mathbb R^{+}$, $0 \lt s \lt 1 \lt p \lt N/s,$ and $H\in C^1(\mathbb R^{N}\times \mathbb R^2, \mathbb R)$ satisfies a non-Ambrosetti–Rabinowitz condition: there exist $\mu \in (\theta p,p_s^{*})$ and $r\ge 0$ such that \[ H_z(x,z)z-\mu H(x, z)\ge -\rho |z|^{p}-\phi (x)\quad \ \text {for all } x\in \mathbb R^N\text { and } z\in \mathbb R^2\ \text {with}\ |z|\ge r, \] where $z=(u,v)$, $H_z(x,z)=(H_u(x,u,v), H_v(x,u,v)),$ $|z|=\sqrt {u^2+v^2}$, $\theta \in [1, p_s^{*}/p)$, $\rho \ge 0$ and $0\le \phi \in L^{1}(\mathbb R^N).$ By using the Mountain Pass Theorem and Ekeland’s variational principle, we obtain the existence of solutions to the above system. Furthermore, we also investigate the existence of solutions for a system of equations with the critical exponent and the Hardy potential. Finally, we study the case that $V$ can vanish on a set of measure zero in $\mathbb R^N$ and $H$ satisfies the Ambrosetti–Rabinowitz condition.


  • Wei ChenChongqing University of Posts
    and Telecommunications
    School of Science
    Chongqing, China
  • Nguyen Van ThinDepartment of Mathematics
    Thai Nguyen University of Education
    Thai Nguyen city, Thai Nguyen, Viet Nam
    Thang Long Institute of Mathematics
    and Applied Sciences
    Thang Long University
    Nghiem Xuan Yem, Hoang Mai, Hanoi, Viet Nam

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