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Dynamics of low-degree rational inner skew-products on $\mathbb{T}^2$

Tom 128 / 2022

Alan Sola, Ryan Tully-Doyle Annales Polonici Mathematici 128 (2022), 249-273 MSC: Primary 37F10; Secondary 37F80. DOI: 10.4064/ap211108-28-2 Opublikowany online: 18 May 2022


We examine iteration of certain skew-products on the bidisk whose components are rational inner functions, with emphasis on simple maps of the form $\Phi (z_1,z_2) = (\phi (z_1,z_2), z_2)$. If $\phi $ has degree $1$ in the first variable, the dynamics on each horizontal fiber can be described in terms of Möbius transformations but the global dynamics on the $2$-torus exhibit some complexity, encoded in terms of certain $\mathbb {T}^2$-symmetric polynomials. We describe the dynamical behavior of such mappings $\Phi $ and give criteria for different configurations of fixed point curves and rotation belts in terms of zeros of a related one-variable polynomial.


  • Alan SolaMathematical Sciences Research Institute
    17 Gauss Way
    Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
  • Ryan Tully-DoyleDepartment of Mathematics
    California Polytechnic State University
    San Luis Obispo, CA 93407, USA

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