On infinitesimal automorphisms of foliated manifolds
Tom 92 / 2007
Annales Polonici Mathematici 92 (2007), 1-12
MSC: 58A05, 58A20
DOI: 10.4064/ap92-1-1
Let $F:\mathcal Fol\to\mathcal F\cal M$ be a product preserving bundle functor on the category $\mathcal Fol$ of foliated manifolds $(M,\mathcal F)$ without singularities and leaf respecting maps. We describe all natural operators $C$ transforming infinitesimal automorphisms $X\in \cal X(M,\mathcal F)$ of foliated manifolds $(M,\mathcal F)$ into vector fields $C(X)\in \cal X(F(M,\mathcal F))$ on $F(M,\mathcal F)$.