Constructions on second order connections
Tom 92 / 2007
Annales Polonici Mathematici 92 (2007), 215-223
MSC: 58A05, 58A20.
DOI: 10.4064/ap92-3-2
We classify all ${\mathcal F}{\mathcal M}_{m,n}$-natural operators ${\mathcal D}:J^2 \rightsquigarrow J^2V^A$ transforming second order connections ${\mit \Gamma }:Y\to J^2Y$ on a fibred manifold $Y\to M$ into second order connections ${\mathcal D}({\mit \Gamma }):V^AY\to J^2V^AY$ on the vertical Weil bundle $V^AY\to M$ corresponding to a Weil algebra $A$.