Asymptotic stability of wave equations with memory and frictional boundary dampings
Tom 35 / 2008
Applicationes Mathematicae 35 (2008), 247-258
MSC: 35B35, 35B37, 45K05, 93D15, 93D20.
DOI: 10.4064/am35-3-1
This work is concerned with stabilization of a wave equation by a linear boundary term combining frictional and memory damping on part of the boundary. We prove that the energy decays to zero exponentially if the kernel decays exponentially at infinity. We consider a slightly different boundary condition than the one used by M. Aassila et al. [Calc. Var. 15, 2002]. This allows us to avoid the assumption that the part of the boundary where the feedback is active is strictly star-shaped. The result is based on multiplier techniques and integral inequalities.