A Note on the Rational Cuspidal Curves
Tom 62 / 2014
Bulletin Polish Acad. Sci. Math. 62 (2014), 117-123
MSC: Primary 14H50; Secondary 14B05, 57M25, 57R58.
DOI: 10.4064/ba62-2-2
In this short note we give an elementary combinatorial argument, showing that the conjecture of J. Fernández de Bobadilla, I. Luengo-Velasco, A. Melle-Hernández and A. Némethi [Proc. London Math. Soc. 92 (2006), 99–138, Conjecture 1] follows from Theorem 5.4 of Brodzik and Livingston [arXiv:1304.1062] in the case of rational cuspidal curves with two critical points.