Super-easy quantum groups: definition and examples
Tom 66 / 2018
Bulletin Polish Acad. Sci. Math. 66 (2018), 57-68
MSC: Primary 46L65.
DOI: 10.4064/ba8133-2-2018
Opublikowany online: 19 March 2018
We investigate the “two-parameter” quantum symmetry groups that we previously constructed with Skalski, with the conclusion that some of these quantum groups, namely those without singletons, are “super-easy” in a suitable sense, which we axiomatize here. Our formalism also covers the symplectic group $Sp_n$ and its free version $Sp_n^+$, and some other interesting examples. Finally, we address the general problem of classifying the super-easy quantum groups, and we make a few comments on it.