A Sturm–Liouville problem with spectral and large parameters in boundary conditions and the associated Cauchy problem

Tom 123 / 2011

Jamel Ben Amara Colloquium Mathematicum 123 (2011), 181-195 MSC: 34B05, 34C10, 47E05. DOI: 10.4064/cm123-2-2


We study a Sturm–Liouville problem containing a spectral parameter in the boundary conditions. We associate to this problem a self-adjoint operator in a Pontryagin space $\varPi _1$. Using this operator-theoretic formulation and analytic methods, we study the asymptotic behavior of the eigenvalues under the variation of a large physical parameter in the boundary conditions. The spectral analysis is applied to investigate the well-posedness and stability of the wave equation of a string.


  • Jamel Ben AmaraDépartement de Mathématiques
    Faculté des Sciences de Tunis
    Université de Tunis El Manar
    Tunis, Tunisia

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