Special odd Hamiltonian modular Lie algebras
Tom 146 / 2017
Colloquium Mathematicum 146 (2017), 253-263
MSC: Primary 17B50; Secondary 17B40.
DOI: 10.4064/cm6809-12-2015
Opublikowany online: 20 October 2016
Derivations from a finite-dimensional special odd Hamiltonian Lie algebra $\mathfrak {G}$ into the odd part $\mathcal {W}$ of a generalized Witt superalgebra are described completely by means of a weight space decomposition with respect to a suitable torus. As an application, the low-dimensional cohomology spaces $H^{0}(\mathfrak {G}; \mathcal {W})$, $H^{1}(\mathfrak {G}; \mathcal {W})$ and the dimensional formulas for them are determined.