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Wild and even points in global function fields

Tom 154 / 2018

Alfred Czogała, Przemysław Koprowski, Beata Rothkegel Colloquium Mathematicum 154 (2018), 275-294 MSC: Primary 11E12; Secondary 11E81, 11G20, 14H05. DOI: 10.4064/cm6979-1-2018 Opublikowany online: 14 September 2018


We develop a criterion for a point of a global function field to be a unique wild point of some self-equivalence of this field. We show that this happens if and only if the class of the point in the Picard group of the field is $2$-divisible. Moreover, given a finite set of points whose classes are $2$-divisible in the Picard group, we show that there is always a self-equivalence of the field for which this is precisely the set of wild points. Unfortunately, for more than one point this condition is no longer necessary.


  • Alfred CzogałaInstitute of Mathematics
    University of Silesia
    Bankowa 14
    40-007 Katowice, Poland
  • Przemysław KoprowskiInstitute of Mathematics
    University of Silesia
    Bankowa 14
    40-007 Katowice, Poland
  • Beata RothkegelInstitute of Mathematics
    University of Silesia
    Bankowa 14
    40-007 Katowice, Poland

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