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Cardinal Invariants for the $G_\delta $ topology

Tom 156 / 2019

Angelo Bella, Santi Spadaro Colloquium Mathematicum 156 (2019), 123-133 MSC: Primary 54A25; Secondary 54D20, 54G20. DOI: 10.4064/cm7349-6-2018 Opublikowany online: 11 January 2019


We prove upper bounds for the spread, the Lindelöf number and the weak Lindelöf number of the $G_\delta $ topology on a topological space, and apply a few of our bounds to give a short proof to a recent result of Juhász and van Mill regarding the cardinality of a $\sigma $-countably tight homogeneous compactum.


  • Angelo BellaDepartment of Mathematics and Computer Science
    University of Catania
    Città Universitaria
    viale A. Doria 6
    95125 Catania, Italy
  • Santi SpadaroDepartment of Mathematics and Computer Science
    University of Catania
    Città Universitaria
    viale A. Doria 6
    95125 Catania, Italy

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