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On the Abhyankar–Moh irreducibility criterion for quasi-ordinary polynomials

Tom 164 / 2021

Beata Gryszka, Janusz Gwoździewicz Colloquium Mathematicum 164 (2021), 149-160 MSC: Primary 32S55; Secondary 14H20. DOI: 10.4064/cm8116-2-2020 Opublikowany online: 18 September 2020


Let $f$ and $g$ be Weierstrass polynomials with coefficients in the ring of formal power series over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. Assume that $f$ is irreducible and quasi-ordinary. We show that if the degree of $g$ is small enough and all monomials appearing in the resultant of $f$ and $g$ have orders large enough, then $g$ is irreducible and quasi-ordinary. This generalizes the Abhyankar–Moh irreducibility criterion for plane analytic curves.


  • Beata GryszkaInstitute of Mathematics
    Pedagogical University of Cracow
    Podchorążych 2
    30-084 Kraków, Poland
  • Janusz GwoździewiczInstitute of Mathematics
    Pedagogical University of Cracow
    Podchorążych 2
    30-084 Kraków, Poland

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