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A monoidal structure on the category of relative Hom-Hopf modules

Tom 165 / 2021

Xing Wang, Dingguo Wang, Xiaohui Zhang Colloquium Mathematicum 165 (2021), 63-89 MSC: Primary 16T05; Secondary 16W10. DOI: 10.4064/cm8099-4-2020 Opublikowany online: 20 November 2020


We first define a Hom-Yetter–Drinfeld category with a new compatibility relation and prove that it is a pre-braided monoidal category. Secondly, let $(H,\beta )$ be a Hom-bialgebra, and $(A,\alpha )$ a left $(H,\beta )$-comodule algebra. Assume further that $(A,\alpha )$ is also a Hom-coalgebra, with a not necessarily Hom-associative or Hom-unital left $(H,\beta )$-action which commutes with $\alpha ,\beta $. Then we define a right $(A,\alpha )$-action on the tensor product of two relative Hom-Hopf modules. Our main result is that this action gives a monoidal structure on the category of relative Hom-Hopf modules if and only if $(A,\alpha )$ is a braided Hom-bialgebra in the category of Hom-Yetter–Drinfeld modules over $(H,\beta )$. Finally, we give some examples and discuss the monoidal Hom-Doi–Hopf datum.


  • Xing WangSchool of Mathematical Sciences
    Qufu Normal University
    Qufu 273165, Shandong Province, P.R. China
  • Dingguo WangSchool of Mathematical Sciences
    Qufu Normal University
    Qufu 273165, Shandong Province, P.R. China
  • Xiaohui ZhangSchool of Mathematical Sciences
    Qufu Normal University
    Qufu 273165, Shandong Province, P.R. China

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