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-Arc connected graphs

Tom 171 / 2023

Paul Gartside, Ana Mamatelashvili, Max Pitz Colloquium Mathematicum 171 (2023), 19-47 MSC: Primary 05C45; Secondary 05C38, 05C40, 05C63. DOI: 10.4064/cm8653-1-2022 Opublikowany online: 20 June 2022


Given a graph G, of arbitrary size and unbounded vertex degree, denote by |G| the one-complex associated with G. The topological space |G| is n-arc connected (n-ac) if every set of no more than n points of |G| is contained in an arc (a homeomorphic copy of the closed unit interval). For any graph G, we show the following are equivalent: (i) |G| is 7-ac, (ii) |G| is n-ac for all n, and (iii) G is a subdivision of one of nine graphs. A graph G has |G| 6-ac if and only if either G is one of the nine 7-ac graphs, or, after suppressing all degree-2 vertices, is 3-regular, 3-connected, and removing any 6 edges does not disconnect G into four or more components. Similar combinatorial characterizations of graphs G such that |G| is n-ac for n=3, 4 and 5 are given. Together these results yield a complete classification of n-ac graphs, for all n.


  • Paul GartsideDepartment of Mathematics
    University of Pittsburgh
    Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA
  • Ana MamatelashviliSchool of Mathematics and Statistics
    University of Melbourne
    Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia
  • Max PitzDepartment of Mathematics
    University of Hamburg
    Bundesstraße 55
    20146 Hamburg, Germany

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