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Non-unital Ore extensions

Tom 172 / 2023

Patrik Lundström, Johan Öinert, Johan Richter Colloquium Mathematicum 172 (2023), 217-229 MSC: Primary 16S32; Secondary 16S99, 16W70, 16S36, 16U70. DOI: 10.4064/cm8941-11-2022 Opublikowany online: 11 January 2023


We study Ore extensions of non-unital associative rings. We provide a characterization of simple non-unital differential polynomial rings , under the hypothesis that R is s-unital and \ker (\delta ) contains a non-zero idempotent. This result generalizes a result by Öinert, Richter and Silvestrov from the unital setting. We also present a family of examples of simple non-unital differential polynomial rings.


  • Patrik LundströmDepartment of Engineering Science
    University West
    SE-46186 Trollhättan, Sweden
  • Johan ÖinertDepartment of Mathematics
    and Natural Sciences
    Blekinge Institute of Technology
    SE-37179 Karlskrona, Sweden
  • Johan RichterDepartment of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
    Blekinge Institute of Technology
    SE-37179 Karlskrona, Sweden

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