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On entropy localization of doubly stochastic operators

Tom 173 / 2023

Mehdi Rahimi Colloquium Mathematicum 173 (2023), 197-209 MSC: Primary 28D20; Secondary 37A35. DOI: 10.4064/cm9001-2-2023 Opublikowany online: 22 May 2023


In this paper, the axiomatic steps leading to the entropy of doubly stochastic operators are localized. This results in a map which is indeed a local entropy map for doubly stochastic operators. Some of the properties of the introduced local quantities are also studied and compared to the corresponding steps in the axiomatic approach.


  • Mehdi RahimiDepartment of Mathematics
    Faculty of Science
    University of Qom
    Qom, Iran

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