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Amenability constants of central Fourier algebras of finite groups

Tom 174 / 2023

John Sawatzky Colloquium Mathematicum 174 (2023), 177-190 MSC: Primary 43A30; Secondary 20C15. DOI: 10.4064/cm9018-9-2023 Opublikowany online: 3 November 2023


We consider amenability constants of the central Fourier algebra $ZA(G)$ of a finite group $G$. This is a dual object to $ZL^1(G)$ in the sense of hypergroup algebras, and as such shares similar amenability theory. We provide several classes of groups where $\mathrm{AM}(ZA(G)) = \mathrm{AM}(ZL^1(G))$, and discuss $\mathrm{AM}({ZA}(G))$ when $G$ has two conjugacy class sizes. We also produce a new counterexample which shows that unlike $\mathrm{AM}({ZL}^1(G))$, $\mathrm{AM}({ZA}(G))$ does not respect quotient groups, but the class of groups that it does has $\frac {7}{4}$ as the sharp amenability constant bound.


  • John SawatzkyUniversity of Waterloo
    Department of Pure Mathematics
    Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1, Canada

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