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On embeddings of extensions of almost finite actions into cubical shifts

Tom 174 / 2023

Emiel Lanckriet, Gábor Szabó Colloquium Mathematicum 174 (2023), 229-240 MSC: Primary 37B05 DOI: 10.4064/cm9106-10-2023 Opublikowany online: 5 December 2023


For a countable amenable group $G$ and a fixed dimension $m\geq 1$, we investigate when it is possible to embed a $G$-space $X$ into the $m$-dimensional cubical shift $([0,1]^m)^G$. We focus our attention on systems that arise as an extension of an almost finite $G$-action on a totally disconnected space $Y$, in the sense of Matui and Kerr. We show that if such a $G$-space $X$ has mean dimension less than $m/2$, then $X$ embeds into the $(m+1)$-dimensional cubical shift. If the distinguished factor $G$-space $Y$ is assumed to be a subshift of finite type, then this can be improved to an embedding into the $m$-dimensional cubical shift. This result ought to be viewed as the generalization of a theorem by Gutman–Tsukamoto for $G=\mathbb Z$ to actions of all amenable groups, and represents the first result supporting the Lindenstrauss–Tsukamoto conjecture for actions of groups other than $G=\mathbb Z^k$.


  • Emiel LanckrietDepartment of Computer Science
    KU Leuven
    3001 Leuven, Belgium
  • Gábor SzabóDepartment of Mathematics
    KU Leuven
    3001 Leuven, Belgium

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