Zawartość zeszytu 2
Tom 32 / 1974
A representation of relatively complemented distributive lattices Colloquium Mathematicum 32 (1975) , 153-158 DOI: 10.4064/cm-32-2-153-158
An extension of approximation theorems Colloquium Mathematicum 32 (1975) , 159-165 DOI: 10.4064/cm-32-2-159-165
André-Quillen cohomology for commutative coalgebras Colloquium Mathematicum 32 (1975) , 167-184 DOI: 10.4064/cm-32-2-167-184
On projectiveness in H-closed spaces Colloquium Mathematicum 32 (1975) , 185-192 DOI: 10.4064/cm-32-2-185-192
A note on topological m-spaces Colloquium Mathematicum 32 (1975) , 193-197 DOI: 10.4064/cm-32-2-193-197
Products with non-linear finite-set-aposyndetic continua Colloquium Mathematicum 32 (1975) , 199-206 DOI: 10.4064/cm-32-2-199-206
Real-valued continuous functions and the span of continua Colloquium Mathematicum 32 (1975) , 207-209 DOI: 10.4064/cm-32-2-207-209
Hopf's extension theorem in the theory of shape Colloquium Mathematicum 32 (1975) , 211-212 DOI: 10.4064/cm-32-2-211-212
On a class of spaces for which the fixed-point property is characterized by homology groups Colloquium Mathematicum 32 (1975) , 213-217 DOI: 10.4064/cm-32-2-213-217
On the two definitions of independence Colloquium Mathematicum 32 (1975) , 227-231 DOI: 10.4064/cm-32-2-227-231
Metric convexity and normability of metric linear spaces Colloquium Mathematicum 32 (1975) , 249-255 DOI: 10.4064/cm-32-2-249-255
On non-smoothly equivalent diffeomorphisms of the circle Colloquium Mathematicum 32 (1975) , 257-259 DOI: 10.4064/cm-32-2-257-259
Mapping properties of log log g' (z) Colloquium Mathematicum 32 (1975) , 267-276 DOI: 10.4064/cm-32-2-267-276
A model of hyperbolic stereometry based on the algebra of quaternions Colloquium Mathematicum 32 (1975) , 277-284 DOI: 10.4064/cm-32-2-277-284
Produits tensoriels injectifs d'espaces de Sidon Colloquium Mathematicum 32 (1975) , 285-289 DOI: 10.4064/cm-32-2-285-289
Бесквадратные числа и квадратичное поле Colloquium Mathematicum 32 (1975) , 291-300 DOI: 10.4064/cm-32-2-291-300
Some remarks on the Steiner triple systems associated with Steiner quadruple systems Colloquium Mathematicum 32 (1975) , 301-306 DOI: 10.4064/cm-32-2-301-306
Correction to the paper: "A theorem on almost disjoint sets'' (Colloq. Math. 24 (1972), 1--2) Colloquium Mathematicum 32 (1975) , 307-308 DOI: 10.4064/cm-32-2-307-308
Table des matières du volume XXXII Colloquium Mathematicum 32 (1975) , 311-313 DOI: 10.4064/cm-32-2-311-313