Zawartość zeszytu 1
Tom 97 / 2003
Convergence of sequences of iterates of random-valued vector functions Colloquium Mathematicum 97 (2003) , 1-6 MSC: Primary 39B12; Secondary 37H99, 60F15, 60F25. DOI: 10.4064/cm97-1-1
On some class of pseudosymmetric warped products Colloquium Mathematicum 97 (2003) , 7-22 MSC: 53B20, 53B30, 53B50, 53C25, 53C35, 53C80. DOI: 10.4064/cm97-1-2
A convolution property of the Cantor–Lebesgue measure, II Colloquium Mathematicum 97 (2003) , 23-28 MSC: Primary 42A45. DOI: 10.4064/cm97-1-3
On free subgroups of units in quaternion algebras II Colloquium Mathematicum 97 (2003) , 29-32 MSC: Primary 16U60, 17D05; Secondary 16H05, 11D57. DOI: 10.4064/cm97-1-4
On nonstandard tame selfinjective algebras having only periodic modules Colloquium Mathematicum 97 (2003) , 33-47 MSC: 16G20, 16G60, 16G70, 16D50, 18E30, 14L30. DOI: 10.4064/cm97-1-5
Arc property of Kelley and absolute retracts for hereditarily unicoherent continua Colloquium Mathematicum 97 (2003) , 49-65 MSC: Primary 54F15, 54F50; Secondary 54C55. DOI: 10.4064/cm97-1-6
An existence result for balance laws with multifunctions: a model from the theory of granular media Colloquium Mathematicum 97 (2003) , 67-79 MSC: 35L65, 35L45, 35Q72. DOI: 10.4064/cm97-1-7
An orbit closure for a representation of the Kronecker quiver with bad singularities Colloquium Mathematicum 97 (2003) , 81-86 MSC: 14B05, 14L30, 16G20. DOI: 10.4064/cm97-1-8
Large deviation principle for empirical measures generated by Cox point processes Colloquium Mathematicum 97 (2003) , 87-106 MSC: 60F10, 60G55. DOI: 10.4064/cm97-1-9
Local derivations for quotient and factor algebras of polynomials Colloquium Mathematicum 97 (2003) , 107-116 MSC: Primary 12H05; Secondary 13N05. DOI: 10.4064/cm97-1-10
Vector-valued ergodic theorems for multiparameter Additive processes II Colloquium Mathematicum 97 (2003) , 117-129 MSC: Primary 47A35. DOI: 10.4064/cm97-1-11
New examples of biharmonic maps in spheres Colloquium Mathematicum 97 (2003) , 131-139 MSC: Primary 58E20, 53C42. DOI: 10.4064/cm97-1-12