Almost-Bieberbach groups with prime order holonomy

Tom 151 / 1996

Karel Dekimpe, Wim Malfait Fundamenta Mathematicae 151 (1996), 167-176 DOI: 10.4064/fm-151-2-167-176


The main issue of this paper is an attempt to find a decomposition theorem for infra-nilmanifolds in the same spirit as a result of A. Vasquez for flat Riemannian manifolds. That is: we look for infra-nilmanifolds with prime order holonomy which can be obtained as a fiber space with a non-trivial nilmanifold as fiber and an infra-nilmanifold as its base.   In this perspective, we prove the following algebraic result: if E is an almost-Bieberbach group with prime order holonomy, then there is a normal subgroup Π of E contained in the Fitting subgroup of E such that E/Π is an almost-Bieberbach group either having a Fitting subgroup with center isomorphic to the infinite cyclic group, or having an underlying crystallographic group with torsion and a center coinciding with that of its Fitting subgroup.


  • Karel Dekimpe
  • Wim Malfait

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