Stronger ideals over ${\cal P}_{\kappa }\lambda $
Tom 174 / 2002
Fundamenta Mathematicae 174 (2002), 229-238
MSC: Primary 03E55; Secondary 03E35.
DOI: 10.4064/fm174-3-3
In §1 we define some properties of ideals by using games. These properties strengthen precipitousness. We call these stronger ideals. In §2 we show some limitations on the existence of such ideals over ${\cal P}_{\kappa}\lambda$. We also present a consistency result concerning the existence of such ideals over ${\cal P}_{\kappa}\lambda$. In §3 we show that such ideals satisfy stronger normality. We show a cardinal arithmetical consequence of the existence of strongly normal ideals. In § 4 we study some “large cardinal-like” consequences of stronger ideals.