Convergence of pinching deformations and matings of geometrically finite polynomials
Tom 181 / 2004
Fundamenta Mathematicae 181 (2004), 143-188
MSC: Primary 37F10; Secondary 37F30
DOI: 10.4064/fm181-2-4
We give a thorough study of Cui's control of distortion technique in the analysis of convergence of simple pinching deformations, and extend his result from geometrically finite rational maps to some subset of geometrically infinite maps. We then combine this with mating techniques for pairs of polynomials to establish existence and continuity results for matings of polynomials with parabolic points. Consequently, if two hyperbolic quadratic polynomials tend to their respective root polynomials radially, and do not belong to conjugate limbs of the Mandelbrot set, then their mating exists and deforms continuously to the mating of the two root polynomials.