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Knot theory with the Lorentz group

Tom 188 / 2005

João Faria Martins Fundamenta Mathematicae 188 (2005), 59-93 MSC: 57M27, 17B37, 20G42. DOI: 10.4064/fm188-0-4


We analyse perturbative expansions of the invariants defined from unitary representations of the Quantum Lorentz Group in two different ways, namely using the Kontsevich Integral and weight systems, and the -matrix in the Quantum Lorentz Group defined by Buffenoir and Roche. The two formulations are proved to be equivalent; and they both yield {\mathbb C}[[h]]h-valued knot invariants related with the Melvin–Morton expansion of the Coloured Jones Polynomial.


  • João Faria MartinsDepartamento de Matemática
    Instituto Superior Técnico
    Av. Rovisco Pais
    1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal

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