Zawartość tomu 200
Knots of (canonical) genus two Fundamenta Mathematicae 200 (2008), 1-67 MSC: Primary 57M25; Secondary 57M27, 57M50, 22E10, 20F36. DOI: 10.4064/fm200-1-1
Separation conditions on controlled Moran constructions Fundamenta Mathematicae 200 (2008), 69-100 MSC: Primary 28A80; Secondary 37C45. DOI: 10.4064/fm200-1-2
Algorithms for Nielsen type periodic numbers of maps with remnant on surfaces with boundary and on bouquets of circles I Fundamenta Mathematicae 200 (2008), 101-132 MSC: Primary 55M20. DOI: 10.4064/fm200-2-1
More on extending automorphisms of models of Peano Arithmetic Fundamenta Mathematicae 200 (2008), 133-143 MSC: 03C62, 03C50. DOI: 10.4064/fm200-2-2
On maximizing measures of homeomorphisms on compact manifolds Fundamenta Mathematicae 200 (2008), 145-159 MSC: 37A05, 37B99, 46A55. DOI: 10.4064/fm200-2-3
Generalized Helly spaces, continuity of monotone functions, and metrizing maps Fundamenta Mathematicae 200 (2008), 161-184 MSC: Primary 54E35, 54F05, 54D30, 54C05, 54B10; Secondary 46B42, 46E15. DOI: 10.4064/fm200-2-4
Domain representability of $C_{\rm p}(X)$ Fundamenta Mathematicae 200 (2008), 185-199 MSC: Primary 54C35; Secondary 54E52, 06B35, 05F30. DOI: 10.4064/fm200-2-5
Simple topological measures and a lifting problem Fundamenta Mathematicae 200 (2008), 201-241 MSC: Primary 28A25; Secondary 28A51. DOI: 10.4064/fm200-3-1
Generic representations of orthogonal groups: projective functors in the category ${\cal F}_{\rm quad}$ Fundamenta Mathematicae 200 (2008), 243-278 MSC: 18A25, 20J99, 16D90, 20C20. DOI: 10.4064/fm200-3-2
Non-locally compact Polish groups and two-sided translates of open sets Fundamenta Mathematicae 200 (2008), 279-295 MSC: 54H15, 54E50, 28C10. DOI: 10.4064/fm200-3-3