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-sums and the Banach space \ell_{\infty}/ c_{0}

Tom 224 / 2014

Christina Brech, Piotr Koszmider Fundamenta Mathematicae 224 (2014), 175-185 MSC: Primary 46B03; Secondary 03E75. DOI: 10.4064/fm224-2-3


This paper is concerned with the isomorphic structure of the Banach space \ell _\infty /c_0 and how it depends on combinatorial tools whose existence is consistent with but not provable from the usual axioms of ZFC. Our main global result is that it is consistent that \ell _\infty /c_0 does not have an orthogonal \ell _\infty -decomposition, that is, it is not of the form \ell _\infty (X) for any Banach space X. The main local result is that it is consistent that \ell _\infty (c_0(\mathfrak {c})) does not embed isomorphically into \ell _\infty /c_0, where \mathfrak {c} is the cardinality of the continuum, while \ell _\infty and c_0(\mathfrak {c}) always do embed quite canonically. This should be compared with the results of Drewnowski and Roberts that under the assumption of the continuum hypothesis \ell _\infty /c_0 is isomorphic to its \ell _\infty -sum and in particular it contains an isomorphic copy of all Banach spaces of the form \ell _\infty (X) for any subspace X of \ell _\infty /c_0.


  • Christina BrechDepartamento de Matemática
    Instituto de Matemática e Estatística
    Universidade de São Paulo
    Caixa Postal 66281
    05314-970, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Piotr KoszmiderInstitute of Mathematics
    Polish Academy of Sciences
    Śniadeckich 8
    00-956 Warszawa, Poland

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