Dynamics of annulus maps II: Periodic points for coverings
Tom 235 / 2016
Fundamenta Mathematicae 235 (2016), 257-276
MSC: Primary 37C25; Secondary 37B20, 37B45, 37E30, 37E45.
DOI: 10.4064/fm89-6-2016
Opublikowany online: 8 July 2016
Let $f$ be a covering map of the open annulus $A= S^1\times (0,1)$ of degree $d$, $|d| \gt 1$. Assume that $f$ preserves an essential (i.e not contained in a disk of $A$) compact subset $K$. We show that $f$ has at least the same number of periodic points in each period as the map $z^d$ on $S^1.$