Borel equivalence relations in the space of bounded operators
Tom 237 / 2017
Fundamenta Mathematicae 237 (2017), 31-45
MSC: Primary 03E15, 47B10.
DOI: 10.4064/fm116-9-2016
Opublikowany online: 27 December 2016
We consider various notions of equivalence in the space of bounded operators on a Hilbert space, in particular modulo finite rank, modulo Schatten $p$-class, and modulo compact. Using Hjorth’s theory of turbulence, the latter two are shown to be not classifiable by countable structures, while the first is not reducible to the orbit equivalence relation of any Polish group action. The results for modulo finite rank and modulo compact operators are also shown for the restrictions of these equivalence relations to the space of projection operators.