Enrichments of Boolean algebras by Presburger predicates

Tom 239 / 2017

Jamshid Derakhshan, Angus Macintyre Fundamenta Mathematicae 239 (2017), 1-17 MSC: Primary 03G05, 03C10, 03C60, 06E25; Secondary 06E05, 03C35, 03C65. DOI: 10.4064/fm673-1-2017 Opublikowany online: 12 May 2017


We give a unified treatment of the model theory of various enrichments of infinite atomic Boolean algebras, with special attention to quantifier eliminations, complete axiomatizations and decidability. Our main enrichment is by a predicate for the ideal of finite sets and predicates for congruence conditions on the cardinalities of finite sets, but we also give new proofs of some classical results. We then classify and compare the expressive power of the enriched theories.


  • Jamshid DerakhshanSt Hilda’s College
    University of Oxford
    Cowley Place
    Oxford OX4 1DY, UK
  • Angus MacintyreSchool of Mathematical Sciences
    Queen Mary University of London
    Mile End Road
    London E1 4NS, UK

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