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Constructing biquandles

Tom 251 / 2020

Eva Horvat Fundamenta Mathematicae 251 (2020), 203-218 MSC: Primary 20N99. DOI: 10.4064/fm715-12-2019 Opublikowany online: 27 March 2020


We define biquandle structures on a given quandle, and show that any biquandle is given by some biquandle structure on its underlying quandle. By determining when two biquandle structures yield isomorphic biquandles, we obtain a relationship between the automorphism group of a biquandle and the automorphism group of its underlying quandle. As an application, we determine the automorphism groups of Alexander and dihedral biquandles. We also discuss product biquandles and describe their automorphism groups.


  • Eva HorvatFaculty of Education
    University of Ljubljana
    Kardeljeva ploščad 16
    1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

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