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Fixed points for branched covering maps of the plane

Tom 254 / 2021

Alejo García Sassi Fundamenta Mathematicae 254 (2021), 1-14 MSC: Primary 37B20; Secondary 37E30. DOI: 10.4064/fm765-4-2020 Opublikowany online: 10 December 2020


A well-known result of Brouwer states that any orientation preserving homeomorphism of the plane with no fixed points has an empty non-wandering set. In particular, the existence of an invariant compact set implies the existence of a fixed point. In this paper we give sufficient conditions for degree 2 branched covering maps of the plane to have a fixed point, namely:
A totally invariant compact subset that does not separate the critical point from its image.
\bullet An invariant compact subset with a connected neighbourhood B such that \mathrm {Fill}(B \cup f(B)) does not contain the critical point nor its image.
\bullet An invariant continuum such that the critical point and its image belong to the same connected component of its complement.


  • Alejo García SassiInstituto de Matemática y Estadística
    Facultad de Ingeniería
    Universidad de la República
    Julio Herrera y Reissig 565
    11300 Montevideo, Uruguay

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