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Sequential approximations for types and Keisler measures

Tom 257 / 2022

Kyle Gannon Fundamenta Mathematicae 257 (2022), 305-336 MSC: Primary 03C45; Secondary 03C68. DOI: 10.4064/fm133-12-2021 Opublikowany online: 14 February 2022


This paper is a modified chapter of the author’s Ph.D. thesis. We introduce the notions of sequentially approximated types and sequentially approximated Keisler measures. As the names imply, these are types which can be approximated by a sequence of realized types and measures which can be approximated by a sequence of “averaging measures” on tuples of realized types. We show that both generically stable types (in arbitrary theories) and Keisler measures which are finitely satisfiable over a countable model (in NIP theories) are sequentially approximated. We also introduce the notion of a smooth sequence in a measure over a model and give an equivalent characterization of generically stable measures (in NIP theories) via this definition. In the last section, we take the opportunity to generalize the main result of our 2019 paper in J. Symbolic Logic.


  • Kyle GannonDepartment of Mathematics
    University of California
    Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA

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